What are some practical uses of sacred geometry?

3 min readMar 10, 2023


Sacred geometry is an ancient form of art and mathematics that has been used by many cultures worldwide for thousands of years. It is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to have spiritual and healing properties. While sacred geometry has been used primarily for spiritual and religious purposes, it also has many practical applications that can benefit our daily lives. In this blog post, we will explore some of the practical uses of sacred geometry.

sacred geometry symbols

One practical use of sacred geometry is in architecture and design. The principles of sacred geometry can be used to create buildings and spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional and harmonious. Architects and designers often use geometric patterns circles and other sacred geometry symbols in their designs to create spaces that promote balance and harmony. By using these principles in architecture and design, we can create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote physical and emotional well-being.

Another practical use of sacred geometry is in agriculture. The patterns and shapes used in sacred geometry can be used to enhance crop yields and promote healthy plant growth. By using geometric patterns circles and other sacred geometry symbols in crop planting and irrigation, farmers can create an environment that promotes healthy growth and maximizes crop yields. Many farmers worldwide have been using these principles for years to enhance their crops’ quality and quantity.

Sacred geometry can also be used in meditation and spiritual practices. The use of sacred geometry art, such as Naz Prints contemporary wall art prints, can create a sacred space that promotes focus and inner peace. The intricate patterns and symbols used in sacred geometry art can activate certain parts of the brain, which can lead to a heightened state of awareness and consciousness. This increased awareness can help us to connect with our higher selves and promote personal growth and transformation.

The principles of sacred geometry can also be used in music and sound therapy. Many musical instruments are designed based on sacred geometry principles, such as the Fibonacci sequence. These instruments are believed to produce sounds that promote healing and balance in the human body. Sound therapy, which uses sound frequencies to promote healing, also incorporates the principles of sacred geometry in its practice. By using sacred geometry principles in music and sound therapy, we can create a healing environment that promotes balance and harmony.

Sacred geometry can also be used in jewelry and fashion design. The geometric shapes and symbols used in sacred geometry can create beautiful and unique designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote balance and harmony. Many jewelry designers use sacred geometry symbols in their designs to create pieces that promote healing and balance. By wearing jewelry or clothing with sacred geometry symbols, we can create a personal sacred space that promotes balance and well-being.

In addition to these practical uses, sacred geometry can also be used in education and personal development. Learning about sacred geometry can promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It can also help us to connect with our spiritual selves and promote personal growth and transformation. By incorporating the principles of sacred geometry into our daily lives, we can create a sense of balance and harmony that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

In conclusion, sacred geometry is not only a beautiful art form but also a practical tool that can benefit our daily lives. From architecture and agriculture to music and fashion design, the principles of sacred geometry can be used to create spaces and objects that promote balance and harmony. By incorporating sacred geometry into our daily lives, we can create a sense of peace and tranquility that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. So why not explore the practical uses of sacred geometry and discover how it can enhance your life today?

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